
Declarative Version-Controlled Database Migrations: My Hackathon Onboarding Project

WhatchaEat Recipe Roulette and Inventory Manager: My Hackathon Onboarding Project

“Commit Engineer, Ramki Subramanian, discusses how he built an automatic recipe generator.”

CI/CD for a Flutter + Firebase PWA with CircleCI

Commit Engineering Partner, Noland Germain, discusses how to build a Flutter app backed by Firebase.

Feed Me Music: From Mode to Node, My Hackathon Onboarding Project

Commit Engineer Nick Ross writes about his experience learning Node Express and Vue.js through the open source project Directus.

DJL: Testing Deep Learning Object Detection using Java and Spring Boot

“Pedro Cavaléro, created a web app that allows the user to choose a model from tensorflow hub and an image and the objects in the image will be detected.”

Enhancing Destiny: My hackathon onboarding project

“Commit Engineer, Luke Swamy, discusses how he built an application using Go.”

Improving travelers’ experience by tracking their expenses: My hackathon onboarding project

“Commit Engineering Partner, Saulo Aguiar discusses how he built a travel expense tracker.”

The Strangest Onboarding or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Commit

Commit wants me to spend a week on anything I like? I was going to have to come up with something—and fast. I’ve been in this game long enough to know that if I have to demo next Thursday I’d better have something 95 percent finished by Monday. The last five percent of any job takes at least 50 percent of the time. I know that math doesn’t add up, but, dear reader, am I wrong?

Honing the craft of machine learning by creating a facial recognition tool: My Commit Hackathon Onboarding Project

Commit’s culture of innovation is immediately apparent when you join. Every new engineer starts with a one-week internal hackathon onboarding project. I’m interested in learning more about machine learning, so I chose to build a very basic facial recognition tool that allows you to sign in to a website using your webcam.

Polishing the platform: My hackathon onboarding project

Thomas Choo joined Commit recently as an Engineering Partner and writes about how he solved some product issues in his Commit Hackathon Onboarding Project.