
Declarative Version-Controlled Database Migrations: My Hackathon Onboarding Project

What do our Engineers have in common with Ted Lasso?

If you’ve watched the show Ted Lasso you’ve surely heard the chant, “He’s here, he’s there, he’s every “f***ing where, Roy Kent, Roy Kent.” What does the character Roy Kent have to do with anything? Well, we’re happy you figuratively asked. Roy shares many traits with our Engineer Partners.

Scalable Micro-frontends Using Web Components: My Hackathon Onboarding Project

Commit Engineering Partner, Mukundan discusses scalable micro-frontends using web components.

WhatchaEat Recipe Roulette and Inventory Manager: My Hackathon Onboarding Project

“Commit Engineer, Ramki Subramanian, discusses how he built an automatic recipe generator.”

CI/CD for a Flutter + Firebase PWA with CircleCI

Commit Engineering Partner, Noland Germain, discusses how to build a Flutter app backed by Firebase.

Feed Me Music: From Mode to Node, My Hackathon Onboarding Project

Commit Engineer Nick Ross writes about his experience learning Node Express and Vue.js through the open source project Directus.

DJL: Testing Deep Learning Object Detection using Java and Spring Boot

“Pedro Cavaléro, created a web app that allows the user to choose a model from tensorflow hub and an image and the objects in the image will be detected.”

Enhancing Destiny: My hackathon onboarding project

“Commit Engineer, Luke Swamy, discusses how he built an application using Go.”

Improving travelers’ experience by tracking their expenses: My hackathon onboarding project

“Commit Engineering Partner, Saulo Aguiar discusses how he built a travel expense tracker.”

Targeting transparency with scraping and Cheerio

“Commit engineer Hector Yeomans discusses his approach to improving government transparency using his coding knowledge.”