
Testing Network Load Balancer on Commit’s open source Zero infrastructure

As part of the testing for our open source project Zero, which helps early-stage startups accelerate the development of their product, we are constantly trying to improve the infrastructure and tools in the Zero ecosystem. To this end, I was trying to make a switch to using Amazon Web Services’ Network Load Balancer from their “Classic” Elastic Load Balancer. NLB is billed as AWS’s next generation of load balancers. I was hoping for a better experience than I’ve had with ELB—although my experience with ELB has been mostly positive, as it tends to be fairly fast and stable. We’ve been using ELB with Kubernetes for quite some time, so I’m confident in how these technologies work together.

Join us for a Developer Relations Panel with HashiCorp, Microsoft, Kong and Ambassador Labs

Join us: Thursday, May 13th at 11 am Pacific Time for this livestream discussion, and participate in the live Q&A at the end to ask your own questions.

Working Out Loud: Flexible Return-to-Work Policies After Parental Leave

At Commit, I’m fortunate to have the ability to write my own rules for my return to work after parental leave. I also have the responsibility to build a policy for the whole company that is equitable and flexible. We want to meet parents where they are when they’re ready to return to work, and not where or when we think they should be.

Working out loud here… What have you seen work? What has worked for you?