
How Should Startups Deal With Technical Debt? Here Are 3 Different Founder Approaches

Deciding what to do about technical debt can be as thorny as tackling any other kind of debt. Spending substantial amounts of time and money to rebuild or clean up old code can be difficult to justify or explain, particularly to less technical co-founders or investors who are just focused on getting something out the door. At the same time, paying down technical debt can save you loads of pain in the long run.

WhatchaEat Recipe Roulette and Inventory Manager: My Hackathon Onboarding Project

“Commit Engineer, Ramki Subramanian, discusses how he built an automatic recipe generator.”

Committed to Success: Fábio Miranda

“Commit changed my life. It was the bridge that helped me in the most difficult moment in my life to make a career transition. I had all the emotional and professional support, a safety network, to know that if everything goes wrong, Commit is going to support me.”

CI/CD for a Flutter + Firebase PWA with CircleCI

Commit Engineering Partner, Noland Germain, discusses how to build a Flutter app backed by Firebase.

Forking, Fixing, & Using a Flutter (Monorepo) Package

“While working on his HOP, Noland Germain ran into a blocking bug in Flutter while building his Flutter app. Noland walks us through how he was able to fix the bug.”

Feed Me Music: From Mode to Node, My Hackathon Onboarding Project

Commit Engineer Nick Ross writes about his experience learning Node Express and Vue.js through the open source project Directus.

Committed to Success: Darren Bangsund

“The community support and the promise of being a part of the community for life really drew me to Commit. Being a part of such a supportive community is a really cool thing.”

Committed to Success: Andrew Warr

“There’s always ways that things could be better. Things are never done, there’s always some way that it could be improved upon. I’ve done some client work in the past, where at a certain point you hand it over and then you’re no longer in it. But here, you’re continually working on a problem.”

Committed to Success: Stephen Wen

“[Before] Commit, during the normal probation period we would just work as hard as possible and perform our best to show that we were capable of handling the job. But now with Commit, it’s really balanced everything out so I don’t have to stress anymore.”

Committed to Success: Stacey Kline of Otto

“At the end of the day it’s always about the people that you work with. You can have the greatest idea but it really comes down to whether you want to be with the people you’re at the table with. Luckily, because Commit helped us streamline the process, we knew we were on the right path to finding someone we would enjoy being in it with.”