
Developer Burnout: The What, Why, and How

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve completed a huge project and returned to your desk, only to find out that you have more demanding deadlines to meet? Would you feel excited to tackle these new projects, or would you feel like it’s a frustrating chore that needs to be completed? If you thought the latter, you’re probably really exhausted, and we don’t blame you – it’s tough being expected to operate like a well-oiled machine. But do know that this is a sign of burnout.

Are you ready to EHF your Imposter Syndrome?

Does your CTO or Tech Lead care about your well-being?

3 Lessons Learned from Technical Failures at Facebook, Wattpad, and Hashicorp

True or false: You’ve failed at something in your career before. If you answered false, well that’s a bit hard to believe, but it just means there is still plenty of time to fail. And that’s a good thing.

6 essential but not-so-obvious qualities needed in the first engineer hire at a company

Every technical founder and CTO knows that the first few hires are critical for the future of a company. They can determine success or failure.So what qualities are needed in those first few hires?

Personal Coaching at Commit (Part V): Taking a career break might be the best thing you can do for yourself and your career

In this latest article on Commit’s learning and development program, Engineering Partner, Pritesh Patel, talks about his personal career journey which led him to take a much needed step back in order to gain perspective.

Personal Coaching at Commit (Part IV): Engineering Partner, Thiago Araujo

We talked with Engineer Thiago Araujo about his experiences with our coaching pilot program, part of our ongoing series about Commit’s approach to learning and development.

6 questions Software Engineers should ask when choosing a new startup.

Commit talked to Software Engineers who have built their careers at early-stage startups to understand the frameworks for how they choose whether working at a startup was right for them.

Personal Coaching at Commit (Part III): A conversation with Engineering Partner King Choi

We talked with Commit Engineering Partner, King Choi, about his experiences with Commit’s coaching pilot program, part of our ongoing series on our approach to learning and development.

Why every Engineer at Commit is going to get a personal coach

This post is part two in a series where we’ll document the ongoing creation of our learning and development program at Commit.